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2018 - November 25: Divine Governance into Planetary Consciousness

Planetary Transformation Conference Call
Institute of Christ Consciousness

T/R:    Donna D’Ingillo 


PRAYER: Mother and Father, as we settle into our hearts with the intention to participate with our beloved Planetary Seraphim. We thank you for weaving us together as one in this circuit of collaboration. We are here to be guided by them, to engage our hearts and minds where we are encouraged to focus, and to let our hearts swell with love for our brothers and sisters and for all life on the planet to regain more of its rightful place in the divine plans that you have for this world. We are grateful for this opportunity to serve. May your Will be done now. Thank you.


MANOTIA: My dear brethren, greetings one and all! This is Manotia, and we are very gratified for your presence and dedication to serve this world during its greatest time of need. There is much change at play here upon the circuits of your planet’s consciousness. Over the last two calls we have been inviting you to focus on the implementation of DIVINE GOVERNMENT upon this planet. You might consider this to be a structure for the actual governance of the political bodies to align with divine laws to ensure that humanity and all life itself is respected and can thrive in what DIVINE GOVERNMENT truly means through this enhanced structure. This is a necessary component of the Correcting Time and we will engage with you once again today in these circuits of collaboration with a slight twist on the dynamic of DIVINE GOVERNMENT.

The structure of divine government is representative in nature, but what is the composition of this structure comes from spiritually minded men and women who are now able to function outside of their own self-centered interests to focus on the greater good of all and what it means for the collective planetary consciousness to evolve to higher states of divine awareness that the plans for this planet’s evolution may continue.

As we begin today in our focused efforts, we invite you to focus on the form and structure and the spiritual encoding of DIVINE GOVERNANCE. This type of focusing is more specifically designed to enhance the individual’s ability to perceive the higher laws and nature of reality that will foster the individual’s growth in self-control, self-restraint, and self-respect so that a person’s higher self-image may emerge and serve in the greater good. This would be a major up-stepping in how the function and structure of DIVINE GOVERNMENT operates. You move from the vested interests of a few who are what you might consider to be the power brokers and decision makers into a dynamic where the greater good is considered in decision making. This is a higher form or structure of DIVINE GOVERNMENT and it comes from those men and women who are willing to step into their own, what you might call, model of divine governance that regulates their own desires and promotes the welfare of the greater good.

To engage with you today all twelve areas of Seraphic involvement are now involved. We invite you to simply focus on the words DIVINE GOVERNANCE that these energies may, not only impact your own energy systems, but to aid in the collective for more people to sense that inner awareness to be more self-regulating and operate under more of the influence of their Indwelling Spirits. Let your focus form from your hearts. Feel your own need for your own DIVINE GOVERNANCE to help you become more self-controlled and self-regulating under the influence of your own Indwelling Spirits. We will begin here for a few moments and then ask you to focus this into the collective. Allow the words DIVINE GOVERNANCE to focus in your mind’s eye. Let imbue your hearts as we now begin. Thank you. (Pause)

DIVINE GOVERNANCE forms a framework or structure for you to become more influenced by your Indwelling Spirits. They have the plans for your lives. They are here to help you achieve more of that self-control of your beings that you may master yourselves in a greater way. Self-control forms a firmer foundation because you are now inviting the Spirit to set the pace for your lives and willing to align with the WILL of Spirit Within. Now as you know, this has never been fully implemented or achieved upon this world, but is time now to move in that direction. Allowing this infusion to speak and calibrate into your energy systems will help you in your own self-regulation, and this is where we begin. (Pause)

The templates for DIVINE GOVERNANCE are now in place. They have yet to be fully manifested. In time they will but let this be through the avenue of spiritually minded and guided men and women who dare to seek their own inner inspiration to be of service to the greater good of all humanity. With such enlivened and ennobled individuals coming into the forms of government will you see more decisions being made according to the WILL of Spirit. You are still a long way from that but there is now this momentum for this to occur.

So as you allow these energies of DIVINE GOVERNANCE to move into you, you may now focus them from your hearts and ask for them to be seeded all around the planet throughout all of the twelve sectors of Seraphic influence, that more individuals may perceive this infusion of DIVINE GOVERNANCE and begin to pick up on these spirit signals of what this means—for their lives to be divinely governed by one’s Indwelling Spirit that the individual may learn and grow in the ways of Spirit and serve humanity in one’s own unique way. (Pause)

This infusion today is a preparatory step for your world to evolve to its state of Light and Life—that heavenly structure that serves the greater good of humanity. You might say that as we engage through these various Seraphic circuits, we are helping you construct that dynamic of change for more people to become aware that they must regulate their behavior, control their minds. This is a level of human activity that still needs to be further progressed upon the planet. What you are doing today is assisting in the furtherance of this dynamic that more people may recognize it is up to them to control what they think, how they feel, and how they behave in society. Some people will be more responsive to these energetic endowments than others. What is most important today is to feel that desire for this to become more fully implemented that more people may perceive their own level of self-responsibility to the greater whole. This is what is most significant at this time. Continue to focus from your hearts and ask for this to be spread far and wide. And if you wish, you may ask for this to go into areas where there is great need for self-governance to unfold and grow. It could be a geographic region, a situation. It could be personal or collective. Whatever is in your heart let it now come forth and we will follow your gaze. (Pause)

The period of planetary evolution that fosters self-centeredness is over. You are moving into the era wherein people are aware they part of a whole and it is in their best interest to perceive others as important as they are. This is the age where compassion, understanding, and tolerance will thrive, and it will eventually lead this world into the models of DIVINE GOVERNMENT. It will happen slowly over time in different areas and regions but the momentum is now underway. More and more men and women will be called to serve and to make those decisions that are based on the higher principles and divine ideals of Truth, Goodness and Beauty.

So in the coming days we invite you, as we have in the past, to continue to seed in these spiritual energies of DIVINE GOVERNANCE that they may connect and communicate with the models of DIVINE GOVERNMENT. There is a synergy here that is mutually supportive and works to bring the higher plans for this planet into fruition. Let these remaining moments show focus on this infusion of DIVINE GOVERNANCE as we continue our ministrations. (Pause)

We add one more level to your focusing at this juncture. Simply engage with the dynamic of the SOVEREIGNTY AND FATHERHOOD OF CHRIST MICHAEL as His presence pervades the planet and moves through these circuits of DIVINE GOVERNANCE and into DIVINE GOVERNMENT. Feel your desire for this to occur. (Pause)


On behalf of all of the Seraphim who serve this world, I thank you. We have completed our objectives for this call today and we are grateful for your participation. It is so important that humans participate in this level of collaboration because you are the ones who are, as you say, boots on the ground changing the consciousness of this world, implementing the divine plans through your every thought, word, and action.

As we leave this circuit today, know that this infusion of DIVINE GOVERNANCE will continue to move into you and help you discern that you have the ability to master yourselves, to control your thoughts and feelings, and bring them into alignment with your own Indwelling Spirit. The more you do this, the more these collective energies will operate and so your own part feeds the whole and the whole supports you. Grow strong in this dynamic, my brethren, as we continue to support this world in her transformation into the era of Light and Life. Good day.

