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2020 - February 9: Mass Awakening to Ideals

Planetary Transformation Conference Call
Institute of Christ Consciousness

T/R:    Donna D’Ingillo 


PRAYER: Mother and Father, we are grateful for the ways you help us even though we may not know all of them. As you know, this is a time of great change on our planet in the way we think and respond to our material reality, and as we collaborate with our Planetary Seraphim and the other Legions of Light may what we produce from our hearts at a human level foster those circuits of change for more light of TRUTH and GOODNESS may prevail in the minds and hearts of every Urantian citizen all around the globe. We trust you. We thank you for helping us become patient with your divine plan because you know how to turn this world around and you know how to inspire humans to participate in this great change that is now underway. As you connect us in these circuits of mind, heart, soul and Spirit may we operate as one with our helpers and produce much good for our brothers and sisters to perceive and align in divine WILL for this world. Thank you. May your WILL be done now.


GABRIEL: Greetings to you my brethren! I am Gabriel, and I will facilitate this call today that the Planetary Seraphim of Urantia may further fortify these circuits of change and help more of your brothers and sisters attune to the MASS AWAKENING now underway. Continue to breathe deeply, rhythmically, slowly focusing upon your heart centers that the desire for more spiritual energy to bathe these circuits in the Urantian consciousness.

As you know there is a great inner stirring moving within the minds of every individual of this world. Some people are responding to this inner call. Some people are mystified by this inner sense, and some people are blatantly ignoring it. Regardless of where each person is, the momentum of spiritual energy continues to expand and go deeper into these circuits of consciousness to help more people respond to the leadings of Spirit Within.

With that being said, I invite you to focus on your desire for more DIVINE GOVERNANCE to intersect these circuits of Urantian consciousness. In our last time together, the focus was on the MASS AWAKENING TO DIVINE GOVERNANCE, but I pose this question to you: What does this mean? What is divine governance? It is a way of life that is predicated upon the divine ideals and values of TRUTH, GOODNESS and BEAUTY that foster compassion, kindness, tolerance, patience, forbearance, fairness, peace, and equality. These are noteworthy characteristics to not only embody but to live on a daily basis.

The term ‘”governance” has, what you might call, wide applications. We have been focusing at a collective level and we will continue to do so today, but I also encourage you to look at this term DIVINE GOVERNANCE in your own lives. Who governs you? You have the gift of free will to make your own decisions, to live according to your own desires, but how does that serve you? Are you happy? Are you healthy? Are leading you productive lives of loving service to your brother and sisters? This term DIVINE GOVERNANCE applies to each individual and it speaks to the level of self-control and being, what you might call, governed by the Spirit Within—not only by your own material desires and dreams, but what the Spirit Within wishes for you. Think about this term for a few moments as it applies to your own lives. Are you being divinely governed by your Spirit or are you acting in your own self-interest? Take a few moments to simply go within. Ask your Spirit to help you perceive a deeper value of what this term means to your lives. (Pause)

True and full and complete DIVINE GOVERNANCE will come about on this world in time, especially when individuals are operating in more alignment with the will, desires, and information contained in your Indwelling Spirits. You are on your way to develop this type of individual divine governance, but it will take many, many generations to fully express itself throughout the planets’ collective consciousness.

I say these things to you today to help you understand that you have a part to play in how this world is divinely governed. It is up to you to determine, in conjunction with your Spirit, how to best comport yourself under the overcontrol of these divine ideals of TRUTH, GOODNESS, and BEAUTY. So as we progress in our call today keep this in the back of your mind that you are evolving in DIVINE GOVERNANCE through the participation and guidance of your Indwelling Spirits.

Take some deep breaths now. Settle into your hearts once again. Let the energies deepen within you. Allow these words to form in your mind’s eye: MASS AWAKENING TO THE IDEALS OF DIVINE GOVERNANCE; MASS AWAKENING TO THE IDEALS OF DIVINE GOVERNANCE; MASS AWAKENING TO THE IDEALS OF DIVINE GOVERNANCE. As you see these words, let them be projected from your hearts into the globe, and you may use that familiar north-to-south pole, counter-clockwise rotation. As you do this we will now move and engage in these circuits and build more spiritual vitality for these ideals embodied in DIVINE GOVERNANCE to have more space and place to function in this planet’s consciousness. And we begin. (Pause)

Those circuits of planetary consciousness operating in the institution of governance are now being prepared for more change. So much of the way the affairs of governance are conducted on Urantia are still mired in powerful self-interests for individuals and those who have invested themselves in certain ways of self-centered thinking that operate at a collective level. This structure is now receiving more spiritual energy for more TRUTH to prevail within the minds of those individuals to help them recognize that there is a better way.

Also, the ideals of divine GOODNESS are now working to penetrate the circuit of the heart for more compassion and altruism to change the ways of self-seeking and self-serving. When this dynamic of the ideals of DIVINE GOVERNANCE are more operative you will see the political systems move in a better direction. You are now in the midst of a great outworking of a way of governance that has only served to benefit a few. Be patient with this change and trust that what is occurring is indeed this great outworking, but it will take time and it will take more focus on the part of humans for these ideals to become deeply embedded within the circuits of mind and heart.

Therefore. let us expand the focus of MASS AWAKENING TO THE IDEALS OF DIVINE GOVERNANCE THROUGH THE POWER AND AUTHORITY OF CHRIST MICHAEL. Feel your desire for your Creator Father to also imbue this circuit with His LOVE and Hs plans for His beloved world to stream forth higher frequencies of GRACE that this may move deeply into the circuits all around the globe: MASS AWAKENING TO THE IDEALS OF DIVINE GOVERNANCE THROUGH THE POWER AND AUTHORITY OF CHRIST MICHAEL; MASS AWAKENING TO THE IDEALS OF DIVINE GOVERNANCE THROUGH THE POWER AND AUTHORITY OF CHRIST MICHAEL; MASS AWAKENING TO THE IDEALS OF DIVINE GOVERNANCE THROUGH THE POWER AND AUTHORITY OF CHRIST MICHAEL. Hold this now, my brethren. Feel your desire for your Father to imbue this circuit with His desire, His great LOVE and COMPASSION for this world where He lived His human life as Jesus. (Pause)

All around the globe people are being prepared for change. While we have focused on the collective for these ideals of DIVINE GOVERNANCE to become operative at a collective level, know that this will impact individuals. This will have an impact on your own life to help you perceive more deeply the TRUTH and GOODNESS contained within your own Indwelling Spirit to help you align more fully with the divine plans and purposes for your life.

This is a great gift to align in these ideals and you can only benefit as can the entire collective. But, there are many lessons to be learned as this great outworking continues to progress. Some of it will not be very pleasant or comfortable to witness. Most people are still very unaware and unassuming of how the current model of governance has impacted them adversely. Consequently, we look to you to help your brothers and sisters to experience a greater way by showing them the ways of love through your composure and peace during this time of great change.

We have encouraged you to do your part each day. And we continue to do so that you may become more divinely governed by your own Indwelling Spirits and have more self-control over your thoughts and feelings to reflect the TRUTH, the GOODNESS, and the BEAUTY that is all a part of divine LOVE.

Now who would not want more of that in his or her own life? So remember well what it is you are setting about to do through our encouragement. It is a win-win situation for all, as you say. So as we end these final moments together, allow these words to settle in, and continue to invite of MASS AWAKENING TO THE IDEALS OF DIVINE GOVERNANCE THROUGH THE POWER AND AUTHORITY OF CHRIST MICHAEL to blaze through the planet and go into those place where more TRUTH and GOODNESS is needed and necessary. (Pause)

Invite our Holy Mother Spirit to send forth Her HOLY FIRE to blaze through these circuits for those influences, belief systems, self-interests still operative in the halls of governance all around the planet. Let all ties to the past be cut. Let the spiritual ideals be infused as you continue to hold this focus. (Pause)

As this outworking continues, ask for these divine ideals to be sealed and expanded in these circuits of governance all around the planet, whether it is affecting the collective or the individual, that more responsiveness to the ways and WILL of Spirit may prevail. (Pause)


On behalf of all the heavenly and planetary hosts, I thank you for not only your participation today but your patience and forbearance during this time of great change upon Urantia. This is, what you might consider to be, not an easy time. It is a time of great emotional and mental intensity, but it is a time of great learning and great truth telling that more individuals may perceive their rightful place in the family of LOVE in the bosom of our Creator Parents.

You have a place within this family. You have a role to play. You have a purpose in this family, but it is up to you to determine how to best respond to the Spirit Within that you may conform to this purpose and plan. Do your best each day, but ensure that you are taking the time you need to replenish your spiritual battery that you may continue to thrive and prosper, learn and grow in these very important lessons of what it means to be a member of this family—this cosmic family of LOVE.

Remember to focus on this MASS AWAKENING TO THE IDEALS OF DIVINE GOVERNANCE THROUGH THE POWER AND AUTHORITY OF CHRIST MICHAEL between now and our next call together and know that you are providing a mighty service to your world.

I leave you with much to consider and much to integrate, but know that all things are in alignment with Michael’s hand steering this planet forward on its trajectory to a higher way of living, one that does reflect the divine ideals of TRUTH, GOODNESS, and BEAUTY. Trust in this, my brethren, and know all is well. I leave you in our Parents’ LOVE and PEACE, and I wish you all a fond farewell.

